5 Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress for Your Business

If you you’re a business, you either want a website or already have a website. If you don’t have a website, you probably think you have neither the time or money to get a website. If you have a website but it’s not up to specs, you probably put it off but get jealous when you see what a site can and should be. Which ever category you fall in, there’s a solution: WordPress for business.

To date, there are over 75 million WordPress websites on the web. What’s more, is that famous businesses and corporate enterprises such as The New York Times, BBC America, and the Harvard Business Review use WordPress and they like it. A lot!

Here are 5 more reasons why small businesses or starting entrepreneurs should use a WordPress Site.

It’s incredibly easy to setup and manage.

You don’t need a degree in computer science or hundreds of hours of programming classes to use WordPress. If you can find this site, you’re good to go.

All you do is get a hosting account and setup a free WordPress software (often hosting providers have a one-click option to install WordPress) and you’re ready to start building your site. It takes a few minutes.

It’s a great way to start for businesses and entrepreneurs to effortlessly start their site.

It’s Dynamic and Has Thousands of Features

Whether you want a simple contact form, a complex e-commerce system, or a forum equipped with user commenting there’s a plugin. In fact, there are thousands of plugins to add functionality to your website without having to hire a coder. Being open source, users from around the world can develop their own plugins, usually sharing them for free.

You’re guaranteed a plugin exists that suits your business’s needs.

WordPress enhances SEO

“WordPress automatically solves a ton of SEO issues” says Google Engineer Matt Cutt. Not to mention there are free plugins that enhance your site’s SEO even more. For instance, add the free Yoast SEO plugin, and your site will be even more searchable.

It’s ready for the mobile web

Mobile internet usage has soared by 67 percent in the last year. That number is expected to grow exponentially. For websites, it means that your audience won’t just be visiting from traditional computers. If you’re website can’t adapt to the myriad of smartphone and tablet platforms, expect your audience to go somewhere else.

Rather than lose out on thousands of potential leads, you should make your website mobile friendly. Fortunately, WordPress is designed to be responsive. Your site’s functionality and appeal won’t be lost on mobile audiences.

In fact, the WordPress dashboard works well on both PCS and smartphones, allowing you to manage your website from any mobile device or tablet that has internet.

WordPress sites are easy to adapt and evolve

Before WordPress, businesses poured thousands of dollars into a website that took months to build. All that work was later outpaced by technology changes, thus making the site obsolete. With thousands of professionally designed themes – many of them free – your website can always adapt to new updates and browsers, as well as what’s fresh and in style in terms of aesthetics and functionality.

Again, because WordPress is open source and free from commercial restrictions, you can use and update your software/design whenever you choose. This gives your business a competitive edge in adapting to current trends.

The bottom line is this: WordPress is a great way to get your business online. If you’re interested in a quick, cost-efficient way to get your website off the ground, check our WordPress theme customization service and speak with one of our WordPress experts.
